Welcome to my little corner of the web. Stay a while and be inspired!

handmade paper products

stickers, cards, notepads, tote bags, and more

created with whimsy and joy

About me:

Hello everyone! I’m JoJo, owner and artist behind JoJo’s Pretty Paper Shop on Etsy. I am a mom of two young girls, wife to my high school sweetheart for over 16 years, and proud small shop owner!

I grew up loving art but earned my bachelor’s in Economics and Government Administration with a minor in business. I have experience spanning from office work to politics – working for a US Senator before I even turned 21. Out of college, I spent 5 years as a credit/financial counselor and managed a team of counselors before my 10 year career as a Financial Aid Counselor.

The COVID pandemic changed my life in many ways as I found myself completely isolated, homeschooling my two girls and working my job remotely from home. I had been an avid planner since the birth of my second daughter, but the need for a new hobby had me trying out drawing on a tablet and eventually making stickers in July of 2020. My hobby soon turned into a successful planner/ sticker shop and I was able to leave my 15 year career in finances to be a self employed artist in March 2021.

I consider myself a Minnesota girl and love to garden, listen to audio books, play video games, watch Marvel movies, and shop. I have a weakness for anything made from potatoes, I am a wiz with closet organization, and I will forever love the Backstreet Boys until the day I die.

Thank you for getting to know my story!